ProAg of Renville County
Renville County Corn and Soybean Growers
Annual Meeting
held in conjunction with
ProAg of Renville County Annual Meeting
Monday February 9th 2015
Bird Island Ballroom.
6:00 pm Social 6:30 Prime Rib Dinner
Limited to 400. RSVP 320-523-1216
Guest Speaker Trent Loos
Saddle up and ride with Trent as he ventures cross-country and around
the globe to share the amazing stories of people who bring good things
to the world we live in.
In 2008, Trent was recognized as the “Voice of Rural America” by the
West Quest organization for his ground-breaking work in advocating for
agriculture and speaking on behalf of the folks who would rather stay
home and tend to their crops and livestock than take on those attacking
their life-sustaining industry.