Small Wind Turbines (20 kw to 40 kw) could be part of your future!
Here's why: The Rural Wind Energy Development Act (S.673) proposes
a 5-year Federal Tax Credit of $1,500 per 1/2 kilowatt (kw) of capacity to
purchasers of small wind systems. The plain arithmetic: If a 20 kw
system costs $75,000 installed, this credit generates $60,000.
That's 80 percent of the total cost!
Thursday, June 21, 7 p.m.
at Max's Grill, Olivia
* Dave Winkelman, a Brainerd area contractor (W.E.R.C.) will speak on constructing Small Wind Turbine Project throughout West Central MN.
* Glen Jacobsen will share details on his 20 kw project currently being built on his rural Bird Island farm.
* Matt Ketelson, agricultural aid for Senator Norm Coleman, will give an update on S.637
* Updates on wind energy issues of the recently adjourned Minnesota State Legislature.
Sponsored by the Renville County Agriculture/Renewable Energy Committee, ProAg of Renville County, Renville County Farm Bureau, and Renville County Corn/Soybean Growers.
Open the printable flyer for "Small Wind Turbines Meeting"