Cedar Mountain FFA Chapter 2011-12
President: Jonathan Tauer
Vice President: Adam Johnson
Secretary: Brooke Harmoning
Treasuer: Trevor Serbus
Reporter: Elizabeth Senkyr
Sentinel: John Rieke
Student Advisor: Alexis Schouvieller
Advisor: Jessica Rehak
P.O. Box 188
Morgan, MN 56266
What Our Chapter Has Done in Our School:
- Organized Composting food at all lunches. We have two separate garbage bins in the lunchroom: one for all garbage materials, and the other for all leftover food products. The food bin is then taken to a local farm where it is composted. This helps lessen our amount of garbage and impact on our planet.
- Set up Recycling. We are a part of the YES! Team which stands for Youth Energy Summit Team, and we have set up recycling bins around our school to help encourage recycling.
- Recycling Old Christmas Lights. It is a hassle to have old non-working Christmas lights, and they also can be harmful to the environment if not properly disposed of, so we have a collection for old Christmas lights so we can bring them to be properly disposed of.
- Elementary Agricultural Education. Several times throughout the year we have the officers and several other leaders within our chapter teach the younger students about agriculture. These activities include going to the elementary to teach kids about farming and how to grow their own soy beans, teaching farm safety at farmfest, and informing kids about farming and what FFA is.
- FFA Week. During the week of February 20-25 was FFA Week. Throughout the week we had several dress up days for all the students to participate in. The members also cooked and served the staff breakfast Tuesday morning, and also served the community agricultural members breakfast Thursday morning. We also went to the elementary to do activities with the children. On Friday we held Ag. Olympics, which were a series of several agricultural games including corn shelling, milk chug, tractor tire roll, wheelbarrow race, and hay bale toss. This encouraged participation and awareness of FFA within our school.
- Food Checkout Day. On Saturday, February 25, members of our chapter went to the local grocery store in Morgan and handed out information about Food Checkout Day. It is from January first to this day that the average American has made enough money to pay for their food supply for the whole year. We informed the community members, bagged groceries, and helped people carry their bags to their cars.